Beloved U. and I had long planned to see HEILUNG again in concert at the Zitadelle Spandau (Spandau Citadel). But I surprised him by adding on a weekend’s getaway. A hotel at Brauhaus Spandau. A multimedia performance in the cavernous, subterranean rooms at MONOPOL. A hike in Spandauer Forst (Spandau Forest), which actually turned into a jaunt among the delightful offerings of the Evangelisches Johannesstift there. And, on the Sunday after the concert, when we’d barely recovered from its amazement, a trip to Beelitz to wander inside the ruins of the old Heilstätten, with its far newer Baumkronenpfad for a walk in the trees above it all.
I’ll come back to organize all these photos but, for now, some impressions from the weekend’s various joys.