For the last couple of years, my workplace safety video has included a warning about the hazards of sitting at the desk for too long. “As deadly as smoking!” says the presenter. Or something. I roll my eyes and click the “yes, I’ve learned something today” button. And then I return to my editing, perhaps just shifting my weight to signify that, yes, yes, the message came through loud and clear.
So I’m just flipping through the news and come across this case of a woman who clocked in at 7 am on a Friday and was found dead at her desk a full four days later.
Her employer, Wells Fargo, said,
We are committed to the safety and wellness of our workforce …
Yeah. Sure. Okay.
((clicks the “yes, I’ve learned something today” button))
— Wells Fargo Employee Found Dead in Her Cubicle 4 Days After She Clocked in for Work: Reports