Rants & Raves


My plan to go to Rotorua was an “if” one. As in, “if I got a cheap car” or “if the bus schedule were favorable I could be soaking in a thermal pool by the afternoon.” On a Sunday departure from Auckland, neither was actually a great option for price or timing. So when Frazer

Leaving Auckland

It turns out that gathering up my will to leave this city is harder than I had expected. There is a certain comfort in being on foot, in knowing Janene is close by to chat with, and in running into people that I have already met. But I didn’t come here to stay put. So,

The sea, the sea

I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do yesterday. Another museum? Another neighborhood? I did know that I was hungry after yesterday’s long post, so I headed out with the intent of returning to Cima for more eggs and, er, bacon. It was grey and breezy. Ah, another beautiful day in Auckland, I thought. The



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