We have a trick medicine cabinet: it’s quiet to open but the devil to close. The open door folds out and completely detaches from the frame to extend on a flexible arm. Why? Beats me. But that means, at parties, when someone inevitably goes peeking into the medicine cabinet, they cannot close it again without making a lot of fuss, clanking and cracking their way into being discovered.
And someone *always* goes in the medicine cabinet.
What for? I have no idea. It’s too narrow to hold toilet paper and you have to be blind not to see the stack of rolls when you walk in. I don’t know. Maybe someone needs a tampon. Or someone can’t resist a closed door. Or they need an aspirin but don’t want to add “to endure this party” to their question of where can they find it.
But I don’t even have to rig the thing with tennis balls or marbles to easily learn that someone’s been in there. The poor dears never figure out how to close it.