Hamburg 2015
22 February 2015

Weeks 7, 8: Foreign country / road trip

I pulled “foreign country” from the bag and simply stared at it. Even in the best of times – that is, when no tax bill was hanging over my head – “foreign country” meant “planned long in advance and budgeted for.”

(Hm, a side note: what’s the non-wealthy/not powerful equivalent of a Sword of Damocles? Seriously, fellow scribes, what’s to represent the sense of imminent danger for those who do not have great power?)

In any case, I thought I should be inventive. A friend suggested that I take a trip to one of the embassies. I myself thought that a Berlinale film featuring a foreign country might do. The wheels of what ifs spun and spun until, in the end, the days of the week passed without me doing anything at all.

So #whatif is #whatifidonothing?

I pulled another slip from the bag: roadtrip.

Conveniently enough, Martin and I had already had plans for travel. Two old colleagues were going to be in Hamburg, so the plan was to meet them for dinner in the city there and to use the excuse to visit with his family. He was already on the road for the usual business travel – albeit without Daisy, the RV, which was awaiting repairs at the shop – and I was steeped in the eBook-project-that-never-ends, so we decided to converge there in the city. How nice that it was also Valentine’s Day weekend.

The summary: dinner with friends was lovely, eating and drinking with the parents was even better, and, of course, the time spent together being happy and in love was the best. Rather than blather on about the rest, photos! Because every road trip deserves photos.

It’s week 9 now. From the bag: bathroom.





3 Walnut Canyon, 2005 3.1K views

My first canyon

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Thumbnail from video interview of Barbara Hammer
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