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Arts & Culture

Black and white illustration of person with exposed breasts

This week in #happiness

"We consider a woman's sexuality so linked to her physicality that for a woman to appear naked publicly is automatically an act of sex..."
hands held out in supplication

This is my prayer.

P.S. To a certain someone who is reading this blog: shhhhh... Your mouth is a tomb, remember?
portrait of a vampire

The letter

I got to finally confess my desire to be a vampire (the clothes! living for ever! sexy neck bites!). Jennifer was disgusted. "Besides," she reminds us, "I'm a vegetarian."
Thumbnail, Hard Rock Hallelujah, Lordi

It sure ain’t ABBA

Korey says that he wants to read about more German culture in this blog. No more tasty restaurants and cute boys. How about satanic rockers?



3 Walnut Canyon, 2005 3.1K views

My first canyon

About Walnut My photographs will never do justice to what it was like looking over into that canyon.
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