So much for celebrating the inauguration. In this morning’s read of The Vicki Rant, I learned that President “Change You Can Believe In” Obama has chosen anti-gay, Proposition 8 proponent Rick Warren to give the invocation at the inauguration. This is an outrageous disappointment and has, per my title, recast the day. I won’t be celebrating with drinks, sitting in front of my television nor clapping my hands with joy.
With 33 days until the fateful day, there are things you can do:
Read more at The Huffington Post – twit, digg, stumble it.
Send a written protest via at the president-elect’s site using the contact the transition team form.
Send an email to Rick Warren personally asking him to step aside.
Crawling back into bed now. Thank god/goodness/goddesses/smurfs that there is no vodka around.