coats on a thrift store rack
Bild von Carla Burke auf Pixabay

Hm. I’ll need that coat.

My first stop of the day may have to be the local thrift store. The light jacket that I brought with me will handle today’s light rain, but the chill makes me long for thermal underwear. Of course, it was sunny and very warm when I left Washington. Go figure.

Obviously, from this post, I have arrived in New Zealand in one piece. It was a full day’s travel to get here, made easier by the two men I met on my way from LAX. Get your mind out of the gutter, Meg. One was 19, and just out of a Hamilton, New Zealand high school. He reminded me a lot of Christopher Kaufman –known as the Guru to some of you — but with extra piercings and shockingly black hair. (Ok, ok, he was a cutie.) The other was 43 and traveling with his family. He is a native of Australia but a 14-year resident of Atlanta with his New Zealand wife and their three kids. They are relocating home. Quite a shock to their American-born children, as you can imagine. Both men made the long (12-hour!) jump from L.A. enjoyable.

It’s nearly 9 a.m. here. I am ditching the comfort of the Aspen House for a rainy walk to the Auckland Museum. I need to stretch my legs, breathe the air…and find a coat.

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