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Sex & Relationships - Page 2

Stacked letters for LOVE

Tammi’s V-Day tip: never regret love.

This is definitely not my typical post. I admit to being an unrepentant romantic. And it’s the Hallmark Holiday! So… …a virtual hug to my friend, Vicki, for my SpongeBob Squarepants Valentine’s Day card. Still whistling! …best wishes to my brother, Chris. Mom sent me the photos. I love her
Hillary Clinton end racism illustration

Your politics, my sexiness

I was looking for a date and he was looking for a debate. Well, at least this response to my personal ad went beyond 26/M/hot4u...
Person painted like a skeleton, wearing a hat decorated with flowers

And so I am done with Death

As posted to our friend, Abi, to whom I’m grateful. Kim and I met at Whitman-Walker Clinic in 1992 where we were both employed. For those who don’t know, WWC is the
person, pills, liquor, and money

Marriage & Money

Don't worry, dear, we'll be filthy wealthy someday. We just have to figure out which of us will be filthy and which one wealthy. - Rob Alef
Amelia Beach Resort, Cenger, Turkey, 2012

The Water

To bond with my writer-husband, I killed a lone activist in my mind and buried him in the concrete of an outdoor pool.
balcony with flowers and herbs

Balcony daze, part two

...a wonderful weekend. A kick-ass Modest Mouse concert on Thursday night with Niels and Julian, crowned by sex on the balcony in the late cool air.



3 Walnut Canyon, 2005 3.1K views

My first canyon

About Walnut My photographs will never do justice to what it was like looking over into that canyon.
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